Nork Dungeon -9
Click steps to go up or down a level Scroll down for a map of the area
General area information: Enemies
Named Npc's:
Hits with equipped weapon, casts stun, casts assault |
Magic named Npc's:
Hits with equipped weapon, casts stun, casts assault, casts enmiss, casts fireball, casts icestorm |
Named Npc's:
Throws a lightning hammer at you |
General area information: Note worthy items
General area information: Quests
General area information: Lairs
Additional information:
The north most center tile of the first area will take you to the second area of n-9
the south most center tile will take you to the 3rd area of n-9 called the gauntlet
run through the gauntlet to reach the steps to n-10
WARNING: The green tile before the stairs if stepped on will strip your character and dump you in a different area, If you are a psionic user, you will lose all discs and memorized teleport locations
To reach the steps successfully, stand on the hex north of the STRIP hex and type in command 'SW' then 'SE'