Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Crystal fiber cloak A small cloak made of tiny crystal fibers. +2 Sdc
Wolf fur The crystal fibered fur of a hauntingly emaciated wolf None Part of a quest in Sdc
Tan a Direwolf
Panther fur The patchy crystal fur of a hauntingly twisted panther None Part of a quest in Sdc
Tan a Mistpanther
Rabid deer fur The crystal fibered fur of a rabid deer None Part of a quest in Sdc
Tan a Rabiddeer
Gore bear fur - None Part of a quest in Sdc
Tan a Gorebear
Spider robe The ghostly thin crystalline threads of a death wisp.
(Does not actually glow)
None Can no longer be obtained
Wool cloak A small wool cloak None Crits in Sdc
Rakshasa cloak A fur cloak made from the silver and gold skin of a large rakshasa None Crits in Scd
Spur Robe A cloak formed of an intricate web of highly conductive silver dragon scales and natural akronium
(Level 82 req)
+5 Offense
+5 Defense
+2 Strength
+2 Agility
+2 Wisdom
+2 Intelligence

Base AC value of 100

1600 lightning prot
Kill and tan Spur located in the lava city area of Sdc3