Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Wool Cloak A Small wool cloak Nothing Everywhere in most places
Griffy Robe The legendary silver lined feather of an ancient rock griffon Prot from Fire
Prot from Ice
Shop in frore
Ghost Cloak A insubstantial cloak of billowing gloom Charges of door disc Tan n3.5 ghost
Mummy Cloak Many long strips of putrid, decaying cloth Nothing Tan a mummy
Acid prot robe A battered cloak made of putrid fabric with a torn hood roughly sewn into the neck 1/1,
Prot from acidbreath
Quest south of maeling.
Yellow robe A bright yellow robe trimmed with a border of blacken silk Fire/Ice 50/50 West Maeling caves
Improved Yellow robe A bright yellow robe trimmed with a border of blacken silk Fire/Ice 50/50,
Improved robe quest
Rak A fur cloak made entirely of the silver and gold skin of a Rakshasa 30 prot fire, assault prot Tan a Rakshasa
Enmiss robe A black robe with a border of yellow silk 50 Enmiss prot Fatepools
Super Enmiss Robe A black robe with a border of yellow silk and a line of gold thread sewn into the neck 100 Enmiss prot M-4 Tengu lair
Bnr A strange black robe depicting a haunting starscape with a red moon rising over a desolate landscape
(Level 12 req)
+2 Agility Random in M-3
Improved Bnr A strange black robe depicting a haunting starscape with a red moon rising over a desolate landscape +3 Agility Quest in east of maeling.
Kitty Robe The soft white fur of a snow tiger 100 Ice prot Kill and tan a SaberTooth
Snr A silver robe featuring a red sun rising over a snow landscape Fire/Ice 200/200
Sackable from dt/chaos caves
Random in M-4 and Dt
Easter robe A black silk robe mounted with citrines, diamonds and rubies Fire/Ice 300/300,
From Easter Event
Seahag Robe A plain wool robe. +1 Kill and search Seahag
Berovar Robe A plain wool robe - Very rare drop from Berover
Merchant Slith A iridescent cloak decorated with many embroidered eyes 3/3
150 psi crush prot
Kill and search Slith for amber, trade amber for robe
Fighter/Thief Slith A iridescent cloak decorated with many embroidered eyes 3/3
150 psi crush prot
+15 hp
Kill and search Slith for amber, trade amber for robe
Ment/Healer Slith A iridescent cloak decorated with many embroidered eyes 3/3
150 psi crush prot
+15 ep
Kill and search Slith for amber, trade amber for robe
Ma slith A iridescent cloak decorated with many embroidered eyes 3/3
150 psi crush prot
+1 Str
+1 Agil
Kill and search Slith for amber, trade amber for robe
Reggie A cloak made of the silver and gold skin of a huge Rakshasa
(Level 18 req)
on-contact Psi mirror and energyshield
Kill and tan Reggie
Power robe A snow white robe picturing a mountainous landscape undergoing a volcanic eruption +4
250 Earthcrush prot
Good aligned
Trade stiletto in  P-house
Thanks to Ken for additional info on the merchant slith robe and psi crush prot amount