Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Steel longsword An Iron longsword Nothing Everywhere
Griffy longsword A finely crafted silver plated longsword with a hilt of tooled leather +3, Silver, Glowing, G/G Aligned Kill Griffon
Maeling longsword A hardened steel longsword with three circular gems set in the hilt Nothing Maeling shops
Maeling katana A folded-steel katana with a long thin blade Nothing Maeling shops
Fate pool broadsword A heavy iron broadsword +2 In fate pools
Katana A massive steel blade scripted with ancient oriental carvings. +4
Evil aligned
From ninjas in m3
Katana A red katana with red characters etched into the blade +5
Neutral aligned
From Single ninja lair
Slicer A perfectly balanced meteoric iron sword with a hilt of deerskin and a razor sharp blade +4, Glowing, Proning Kill Ls Slicer
Uther A dark crystalline broadsword with a blood stained leather grip +5, Vamps hp for fighters.
Steals Exp/Skill when hitting other players as well.
Kill Uther
Sabre A ornate silver sabre decorated with small crystals and honed to a razor sharp edge +6, Silver, G/G Aligned, Glowing, Power weapon Trade uther bs in frore