Fate water

The following is based on 230 fate water bottles.

Some notes that may be useful;
Once you reach 50 ep, if you get the +ep again it takes all your ep away
and sets you back to 15 + the eps from the last fate water.
Cant lower your strength below 5 even if you get a shiver.
Read FateAbuses adventure here

Fate cards coming soon once i gather more data.

Message Effect % Chance
The liquid burns you chest like a sharp blade -1 con
-1 str
-1 str / con
You feel a tingling in your stomach +1 agility 10.08%
You feel very strange... +1 wisom 9.66%
A Surge of energy seems to flow through your mind! +1 willpower 8.82%
Your head swims incredibly, it feels about to explode! +1 to 6 Ep 8.82%
You feel Very sick Poisoned 8.4%
Your head is swimming +1 intel 7.98%
Wowza! Stunned for 3 rounds 7.98%
You feel incredible! you have been revitalized! +2 con 7.56%
A painful shiver rifles through your body -1 to all stats 1.26%
Following can happen from the same bottle/drink of fate water.
You feel very sick + liquid burns Poisoned,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
You feel very strange + liquid burns +1 wisdom,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
Your head swims incredibly + liquid burns +1 to 6 ep,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
A surge of energy/liquid burns +1 will,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
Your head is swimming/the liquid burns +1 int,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
You feel very strange/liquid burns +1 wis,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
You feel a tingling in your stomach/Liquid burns +1 agility,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
you feel incredible! you have been revitalized/liquid +1 con,
-1 str or
+2 con,
-1 str or
+1 con.
wowsa/liquid burns Stunned,
-1 str or
-1 con or
-1 str/con
A spear of light impales you! -50 hp -