To start the Valentines event, head over to the area south of the nork steelflower and look for Valentina.

Empty your right hand and click her to receive a pot.

Exchange this pot with another player for thier pot then drink it to gain +1 permanent charisma.
*Can only be done once per event*

You can continue to click on Valentina until she gives you a heart, this heart can trade for vamps but otherwise has no use.
*Note* It can take many clicks to get

Go see Cupid in the area south of the Nork steel flower tavern.

Cupid asks you to return arrows stolen by ninja's.

Head to maeling-3 or maeling-4 to kill ninjas until you collect 12 arrows
Alternately you can kill Ninjas in the dark tower

return these arrows to Cupid to get a heart.

The heart can be eaten and will give +1 to two random stats

But wait, there's more!

Head down to N-8 or Evil nork and slay Officers until you've gathered 7 hearts.

Head over to the Fireplains and slay Salamanders until you've gathered 7 Smoldering ash

Visit Al Khemi and speak to him, use the quest prompt 'Where do I brew this' to have him bring you to the apothecary

Once there stand on the north brazier and open the brew window then brew 1x officer heart with 1x smoldering ash to obtain a heart

Repeat that recipe 6 more times to end with 7 hearts.

Al Khemi will then request that you gather and fill glass bottles in the forsaken pools.

Visit Ace Atrophy in the apothecary to buy the needed glass bottles
He will charge you 3 million coin.

Buy 7 of the glass bottles.

Head over to the Fate pools -1 area and locate the 3 fate pools.

Stand in one of the pools and fill each glass bottle.
(Open bottle, empty bottle, fill bottle, close bottle)

Head back over to Al Khemi and have him take you to the apothecary
( dialog option 'Where do I brew this')

Once there, stand on the brewing table and open the brew window and brew 1x heart with 1x bottle to obtain a glowing heart.
(Glowing in description)

Repeat that recipe 6 more times.

Return to Al Khemi and hand in the glowing hearts to obtain a Valentine's day earring

Thanks to Lysdexic for the information and images on the valentines day earring quest