To start the Halloween event, head south of the nork steel flower and look for Costumist.

He will ask you if you want to try a custume or a basket.
Say Costumist, Basket
to receive a halloween basket to collect candy.

Once you have a basket, go around nork looking for blue tagged npcs to collect candies.

I always run back and forth between these two npcs to collect candy.

So what do you do with candies? well eat them :)
What you gain from eating them can be +perm stats, temp hp/ep, +exp

Strength +1 - (Your muscles bulge painfully)
Agility +1 - (You feel more agile)
Constitution +1 - (You feel stronger)
Wisdom +1 - (You feel wiser)
Intelligence +1 - (You feel smarter)
Willpower +1 - (You are Mentally fit)
+Temp hp - (You are combat ready)
+Temp ep - (You feel energetic)
+Exp - (You feel more ecperienced)
If the candy gives a stat but you are already maxed you get the sticky sweet message.