Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Wooden staff A long, wooden staff +3 Everywhere
Spear A perfectly-balanced spear with a point hammered from an exotic metal. +2 From Skeletons
Spear A long, slender pike made from an exotic metal. +9 No longer available
Trident - - -
Forged Spear A slender spearperfectly balanced for throwing, tipped with a razor-sharp point. +4 Forged trader
Guntver staff A staff made entirely of the bones of an underground dewller. +3, +3 psi skills Kill Guntver
Arun staff A stoutly made staff fashioned from many twisted, woody vines. +4 psi skills, healer only Kill Arun
Lori staff A carved bone staff with a humanoid skull mounted on the end. +6,
+6 psi skill lvls, +6 ep regen if not using robes
Kill Lori
Lani staff A long wooden staff of the archmagi, mounted on both sides with blue deplurium tanzanite. +9 combat adds,
+10 psi skill lvls,
Kill lani
Sog spear An exquisitely sharp spear of pure deplurium, razor sharp to the touch. +6 Kill a SonOfGraagh who is carrying one
Thanks to Boboss for additional info on lani staff.