Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Iron Longsword An iron longsword tempered with an exotic metal. Nothing Everywhere
Longsword A longsword made from an exotic metal. +2 Everywhere
Broadsword A heavy broadsword with a wide blade made from an exotic metal. +1 Tree town shops
Curvy Longsword A large longsword with a silver blade. +5, damages gear Random of crits holding it
Fs Longsword An intricately adorned flaming longsword, dripping fire and lava. +3, lvl x on contact firestorm Random from skels on ud-1 though ud-4
Improva Longsword An incredibly strong forged longsword improved with cobrahns best metals. +6 Improva Trader
Forged Broadsword A heavy broadsword honed to a razor's edge and tempered with an exotic metal +4
Forged trader
Forged Longsword A beautifully made longsword tempered with exotic metal and honed to a razor's edge. +4
Forged trader