Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Tree town hally
A huge steel halberd with inlays of an exotic metal.
Treetown shop
Timmy town hally You are looking at a halberd made from an exotic metal. +2 Timmy town shop
Forged hally A large, surprisingly light halberd tipped with a razor-sharp blade. +4 Forged trader
Fs Hally A black and blood stained halberd, radiating excruciating heat. +3, lvl x on-contact firestorm (depending on floor it's found on) Ud1 through Ud5
Desert town hally A long, slender pike made from exotic metal. +1 Everywhere on ud-1 though ud-5 / Desert town shop
Graaghh hally A huge, hardened-steel halberd with a razor sharp blade. +2
+5 str
(barb only)
Kill Graagh
Ooga Hally A jet black haberd, strangely light to the touch. +4 From Ooga in CC
Sog Hally A halberd of white and black deplurium, built by craftsmen of a time long forgotten. +5 Random of a SonOfGraagh
Gk2 Hally A halberd of the great Barbarian King, contructed in the ages of the Dark Queen herself. +5
+3 str
+3 attacks
(barb only)
Kill GiantKing