Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Steel dagger A small, finely balanced dagger made from an exotic metal +3 Timmy-1
Bullywag dagger A perfectly balanced dagger that seems to vibrate in your hands. +3 From bullywags
Quaz dagger A perfectly balanced dagger that seems to vibrate in your hands. +4
From quaz's in ud 1 to 5
Forged Dagger A beautifully made dagger tempered with exotic metal and honed to a razor's edge. +6 Forged trader
Laz Dagger A glowing blue deplurium dagger, honed razor sharp. +8
Kill Laz
Kaldor Dagger A short dagger with a curved blade that has been honed to a razor edge and seems to have a bit of glowering magma set into the hilt. +2
e/e aligned
Kill Kaldor
Thanks to Ironstrike for info on quaz dagger.
Thanks to Boboss for info on Laz dagger.