Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
A pair of iron shackles.
For hp quest
Cell in kaldor lair
Black bracers A set of finely crafted dark bracers +1 Random in t-1
Espear bracers An inanimate set of bracers set with gems crackling with energy. Prot from Enmiss/Espear Ud-1 through Ud-5
Firestorm bracers A pair of bracers glowing with energy, smelling of fire. Prot from Firestorm Ud-1 through Ud-5
Fire bracers A pair of intricately carved ivory bracers. Prot from fire Random in many places
ArchmagiGuard bracers A set of arm bracers, encrusted with waves of red and orange colors Prot from Shockwave Drops from ArchMagiGuard
ArchmagiGuard bracers - Prot from Earthcrush Drops from ArchMagiGuard
Golden bracers A pair of intricately made golden bracers Nothing Random
Psicrush bracers A pair of intricately made golden bracers Prot from psi crush T-1
Timmy caves
Pomed bracers A pair of intricately made golden bracers with the symbol of a martial artist on them +50 hp Pomed
Pokick bracers A pair of intricately made golden bracers with the symbol of a healer on them +50 ep Pokick
Combat bracers A pair of braided gold bracers that seem to pulsate with power. 1/1 to 4/4
Combat bracers A pair of braided gold bracers that seem to pulsate with power. 3/3 to 6/6 Ud-5
Combat bracers A pair of braided gold bracers that seem to pulsate with power 1/1 to 5/5 Random t-1
Named bracers A pair of braided gold bracers that seem to pulsate with power 4/4 to 6/6 Random from named giants
Laz bracers A pair of braided gold bracers that seem to pulsate with power 7/7 Rare drop from Laz