Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Wooden Bow A small finely made shortbow. +1 Everywhere
Long Bow A tightly-strung shortbow. +4 From Minyte's in timmy caves.
CrossBow A heavy crossbow, perfectly balanced and strung with a wire made of exotic metal +7 to +9 Mr.Alverca
Push Bow A tassled longbow with the word "push" carved into its sides. +5, lvl 30 on-contact push -
Espear Bow A crystalline blie, recurved longbow strung with a thin piece of wise that seems to be made from an exotic metal. +3 - +6, lvl 15 on-contact espear From Archers, Evil Timmeh
Golden Espear bow A golden longbow emblazoned with a streak of lightning along the sides +6,
lvl 30 espear on-contact
Lvl 25 req.
Bowmen in one of Laz's puzzle rooms.