Thief Class Info

Level Skill Click to show/hide info Gained Ability
- 0
You can attempt to steal from crits sacks

Command: Hide
Attempt to step into the shadows to hide from plain sight.
Steal, Hide
- 2
Cost: 10 Hp
Command: Form Sense
Senses properties of items. At higer levels allows you to sense hidden properties of items.
- 3
Cost: 10 Hp
Command: Form Detect
This enchantment gives the ability to see illusionary walls
- 4
Cost: 20 Hp
Command: Form Resperate
Enchantment that keeps you from drowning allowing you to move full speed in water
- 8
Command: Backstab
Allows you to backstab opponents for alot of damage.
Can only backstab if opponent does not see you.
- 9
Cost: 10 Hp
Command: Form Door
Allows you to create a door in some walls.
- 10
Cost: 10 Hp
Command: Form Transmute
You turn items on your hex into coins, less then the items actual worth.

Cost: 10 Hp
Command: Form Darkness
Forms a darkness area. 3x3 area of effect.

Allows you to mug your opponent.
Mug, Darkness, Transmute
- 11
Cost: 25 Hp
Command: Form Infravision
This enchantment will let you see through darkness, can only be cast on others once you reach skill 12.

Cost: 20 Hp
Command: Form Poison
Turns some of your victims blood into a toxic poison.
strength and duration of poison depends on your skill level.
Poison, Infravision
- 13
Command: Form Disease
Causes your vicitm to become infected with a disease, damaging them over time.
- 14
Command: Form Trapsack
Causes anyone trying to steal from you to become poisoned.
- 15
Command: Form Reveal
Allows you or your target to see items hidden on the ground for a short period of time.
- 16 - Ability to appraise items on double click
Ability to chain backstab
- 17
Cost: 20 Hp
Command: Form Limitedinvis
You or your target becomes invisable to some crits, doesn't work on lairs!
Attacking cancels the disc.
Backstab damage is 10x normal
- 18
Hide boost
- 22
Hide boost
- 26
Hide boost
- 30
Hide boost
35 -
Command: xform 106
A powerful venom causing damage over time lasting 10 rounds.
Taste of venom Tier
- 36
Hide boost
38 -
Command: xform 107
A More powerful venom causing damage over time lasting 10 rounds.
Taste of disease Tier
41 -
Command: xform 108
A decaying venom causing damage over time lasting 10 rounds.
Taste of decay Tier
44 -
Attacks your target 12-18 times in a single round.
Can only be used in Nl.
Razor Blades Tier
47 -
Increases your Armor id as well as providing a bonus to your hide for 40 rounds.
Veil of Deceit Tier
47 -
Increases your parties Armor id as well as provides a bonus to hide.
Can only be cast on players lvl 30 or lower.
Fog of Deceit Tier
60 -

Sacrifice your health to apply a powerful venom to your target causing severe damage over time lasting 10 rounds.
causing 300 health damage.
Echo of Venom Tier
65 32
Attacks an area of 3x3 12-18 times in a single round.
Can only be used in Nl.
Dozens Tier
- 31
All your party members can see you while you hide. They also receive a bonus 5 levels to see hidden crits better.
All players in the same party as you are able to fully see you while hidden. All players in the party also receive a 5 level bonus for the purpose of seeing hidden creatures
- 32
Allows you to throw your weapon twice per throw command.
Thrown attacks (at a specific target) (Through the THROW command) are doubled (One command gets two throws).
- 33
You can now mug while holding something in your right hand.
Mug will begin to work with an item in your right hand
- 34
Poison, Taste of venom, Taste of decay, Echo of venom damage increased by 15%.
All poison based damage +15%
- 35
Disease, Taste of disease damage increased by 15%
All disease based damage +15%
- 36
There is now a chance you stay hidden if you backstab and do not kill your opponent.
On rare occasion the thief will find himself remaining hidden after a non-fatal backstab
- 37
You gain the ability to quick stab as well as your party's attacks having a chance to land as a backstab granting increased damage.
The thief gains an automatic "Quick Stab" ability (cumulative with the quirk), and ANY PARTY MEMBER gets a chance of each combat swing being idified as a backstab

Veil of deceit grants a small chance that a melee attack that would otherwise hit you will miss instead

Fog of deceit grants a small chance that a melee attack that would otherwise hit you will miss instead
- 38
Poison, Disease, Taste of venom, Taste of decay, Echo of venom, Taste of disease last 5 additional rounds.
Duration of all thief DOTs increases by 5 rounds
- 39
You can now hide no matter wounded you are.
The thief may hide with ANY number of health points

Small chance of the hide action being free
(Not consuming the round)
- 40
Throw attacks hit 3 times
Razorblades recast time reduced
Thanks to Stry for the chain backstab correction