Fighter/Mentalist Class Info
Note: Dedicate before level 20

Level Skill Click to show/hide info Gained Ability
- 1
Ep cost: 5 Ep
Command: Form Enmiss
You shoot a missle of pure energy at your target
- 2
Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Detect
This enchantment gives the ability to see illusionary walls
- 3
Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form sense
Sences properties of items. At higer levels allows you to sense hidden properties of items.
- 4
Ep cost: 20 Ep
Command: Form Resperate
Enchantment that keeps you from drowning allowing you to move full speed in water
- 5
Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Protfire
This absorbs some of the damage delt by fire
- 6
Ep cost: 25 Ep
Command: Form Illusion
Forms an illusion of fire/water/snow/wall on target hex

Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Fireball
You let forth a blaze of fire. 3x3 area of effect
Illusion, Fireball
- 7
Ep cost: 20 Ep
Command: Form Protice
This absorbs some of the damage delt by ice
- 8
Ep cost: 15 Ep
Command: Form Icestorm
You let forth a storm of ice. 3x3 area of effect
- 9
Ep cost: 50 Ep
Command: Form Firebreath
You set forth a hot fiery liquid. 5x5 area of effect

Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Door
Allows you to create a door in some walls.
Firebreath, Door
- 10
Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Transmute
You turn items on your hex into coins, less then the items actual worth.

Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Darkness
Forms a darkness area. 3x3 area of effect.
Transmute, Darkness
- 11
Ep cost: 20 Ep
Command: Form Blast
You let out an exlosive force. 3x3 area of effect.

Ep cost: 25 Ep
Command: Form Infravision
This enchantment will let you see through darkness, can only be cast on others once you reach skill 12.

Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Disintegrate
You let forth a destructive force that destroys walls and small items on screen
Blast, Infravision, Disintegrate
- 12
Ep cost: 30 Ep
Command: Form Enchant
You Enchant items using your mental power
Skill 12 = +3 enchant
Skill 17 = +5 (lose Perm hp doing +5)
Skill 19 = +6 (Lose perm hp)
Skill 20 = +7 (lose perm hp)
Skill 21 = +8 (lose perm hp, exp, brings con to 4
Skill 24 = +9 (lose perm hp, exp, brings con to 4

Ep cost: 30 Ep
Command: Form Embue
You embue items with the discs you know using your mental power
Skill 12 = your able to recharge disc twigs
Skill 17 = your able to embue golden bracers. takes perm hp.
Only discs gained at half of the ments's current skill level can be imbued in items
every 40-50 embues the ment loses 3-5 con.

Ep cost: 30 Ep
Command: Form Findfriendly
You bring forth a friendly creature to assist you.
Skill 12 = Bear
Skill 14 = Roc
Skill 17 = Red dragon
Skill 25 = Silver dragon

Ep cost: 20 Ep
Command: Form Energyshield
This absorbs some of the physical damage delt to you
Enchant, Imbue, Findfriendly, Energyshield
- 13
Ep cost: 55 Ep
Command: Form Icebreath
You set forth a freezing storm of hail.
Ep cost: 10 Ep
- 14
Ep cost: 35 Ep
Command: Form Energyspear
You shoot a piercing spear of pure energy at your target.
Can stun the target.

Ep cost: 20 Ep
Command: Form absorbtion
This absorbs some of the magical damage delt to you, also stops most poison by absorbing it when combined with energyshield.

Ep cost: 15 Ep
Command: Form Push
You channel your mental energy to push your target.
Energyspear, Absorption, Push
- 15
Ep cost: 25 Ep
Command: Form Scry
See through the eyes of your target for a short period.

Ep cost: 30 Ep
Command: Form Featherfall
Makes you receive no damage from falling as well as preventing round loss when proned.

Ep cost: 25 Ep
Command: Form Confusion
Confuses your target causing them to attack at random for a few rounds.
Confusion, Scry, Featherfall 
- 16
Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: Form Earthcrush
Causes the weight of the ground to crash down on targets hex. Area of effect hitting all on the hex.
- 17
Ep cost: 20 Ep
Command: Form Limitedinvis
You or your target becomes invisable to some crits, doesn't work on lairs!
Attacking cancels the disc.

Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: Form Deplete
Removes enchantments and drains ep of target.
Attacking cancels the disc.
LimitedInvis, Deplete
- 18

Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: Form Psimirror
Forms a barrier around you or your target that will reflect spells back to the caster.

Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: Form Shockwave
You unleash a destructive force around you, breaking walls and causing alot of damage. 3x3 area of effect

Ep cost: 20 Ep
Command: Form Passwall
You or your target phases out and is able to pass through solid walls.
Psimirror, Shockwave, Passwall
- 19
Ep cost: 50 Ep
Command: Form Teleport location-name
Teleports you to memorized location.
to memorize: #memorize "location name"
can have a total of 80 locations, 20 in alt 1, 20 in alt 2, 20 in cob, 20 in aleria
- 20
Ep cost: 25 Ep
Command: Form Haste
Doubles you or your targets actions per round, doubles movement speed, can cost the caster agility.
- 21
Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: Form Massteleport
You teleport all players on your hex to a memorized location.
- 22
Ep cost: 10 Ep
Command: Form Energysiphon
You take energy points away from your target and add them to your own pool, can effectively boost your ep to twice thier base.
ex: 600/600 can become 1200/600
- 23
Ep cost: 200 Ep
Command: Form Corspray
You blast your target with energy damaging thier armor.
- 24 - -
- 25
Boosts the damage of Fireball, Firebreath by 50%
+50% Fire damage boost
- 26
Boosts the damage of Icestorm, Icebreath by 50%
+50% Ice damage boost
- 27
Boosts the damage of Earthcrush by 50%
+50% Earth damage boost
- 28
Boosts the damage of Enmiss, Espear, Elance by 50%
+50% Energy damage boost
- 29
Boosts the damage of Fireball, Firebreath by 50%
+25% Fire damage boost
- 30 - -
35 -
Ep cost: 200/100 Ep
Command: xForm 220
Embues you or your target with greater accuracy. +20 to hit.
Accuracy Tier
36 -
Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: xForm 221
Using ankor's incineration, you deal fire damage.
Ankor's Incineration Tier
37 -
Ep cost: 100/200 Ep
Command: xForm 226
Akronium shield grants you 600 damage absorption for 20 rounds.
Akronium Shield Tier
41 -
Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: xForm 222
Using ankor's frost, you deal ice damage.
Ankor's Frost Tier
42 -
Ep cost: 100 Ep
Command: xForm 223
Using ankor's energy, you deal energy damage..
Ankor's Energy Tier
48 -
Ep cost: 250/150 Ep
Command: xForm 224
Embues you or your target with greater accuracy. +30 to hit.
Focus Eye Tier
50 -
Ep cost: 400/200 Ep
Command: xForm 228
Grants you haste for 120 rounds, +to hit, +2 additional attacks, -20 ep regen for 60 rounds.
Can only cast on your self
Psionic Diversion Tier
55 -
Ep cost: 300/200 Ep
Command: xForm 225
Burning delerium causes fire damage for 50 rounds.
Burning Delerium Tier
60 -
Ep cost: ?/100 Ep
Command: xForm 229
A damage boost of 700, Increased accuracy.
Cancels Accuracy, Focus eye.
Divergent Essense Tier
65 32
Ep cost: ? Ep
Command: xForm ?
Discerning Eye Tier
- 31
Fireball, Firebreath, Ankor's Incineration damaged increased by 10%
All fire based damage increases by 10%
- 32
You gain the ability to focus thruststrike
The ThrustStrike FOCI becomes usable by the F/M
- 33
Boosts the damage of Icestorm, Icebreath, Ankors frost by 10%
All ice based danage is increased by 10%.
- 34
Energyshield, Absorption, Protfire, Protice,Akronium shield damage reduction increased 10%
Damage reduction advanced abilities+10% reduction
- 35
Enmiss, Espear, Ankor's energy damage increased by 10%
All energy based damage +10%
- 36
Any melee strike you land may deplete your target.
All melee hits have a small chance of casting deplete on the enemy
- 37
You gain 50 bonus floating ep, as well as an additional 5 ep regen per round.
F/M Gains +5 to EP regen and +50 bonus floating EP
- 38
You gain an offensive armor penetration boost depending on skill in weapon, as well as your party recieving the same boost depending on your mentalist skill.
F/M gains a large offensive armor penetration boost based on skill of weapon in hand, PARTY receives the boost based on F/Ms MENTALIST skill
- 39
Haste no longer has a chance of damaging those you cast it on.
HASTE no longer runs the risk of damaging the target players stats.
Additional stress is involved in avoiding this (ages you)
Will still age the target.