Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Good tarak robe A white robe, depicting the splendor of day. +1 luck, +1 ep regen Trade evil tarak robe to kiara
Neutral tarak robe - +15hp, 2/0 Trade evil tarak robe to kiara
Evil tarak robe A black robe depicting the splendor of the night. Increases chance to see hidden crits

Trades for g/g or n/n tarak robe.
Kill and loot Tarak
Camo A soft felt camouflage cloak. +2 agility
Thief only
Rare drop from seldari assassins
Super enmiss robe A black robe with a border of yellow silk and a line of gold thread sewn into the neck Direct protection against Enmiss Rare drop from Seldari Queen