Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Small red gem A small red gem Sell for coin Everywhere
Ruby A small clear ruby Sell for coin Everywhere
Fire ruby A small clear ruby Charges of fireball random
Large red gem A large red gem Sell for coin Everywhere
Large green gem A large green gem Sell for coin Everywhere
Large emerald A large green gem Sell for coin Everywhere
Uncut emerald A huge uncut emerald Sell for coin Everywhere
Carved jade A piece of finely carved jade Sell for coin Everywhere
Small piece of jade A small piece of jade Sell for coin Everywhere
- - Sell for coin Everywhere
White pearl A large white pearl Sell for coin Everywhere
Black pearl A large black pearl Sell for coin Everywhere
Poison black pearl A large black pearl Charges of poison random
Flawless black pearl A flawless black pearl Sell for coin Everywhere
Lair diamond A lair diamond Sell for coin Everywhere