Picture Name Description What it does Where it's from
Leather armor A leather vest none Everywhere/ npc shop
Studded leather A leather vest studded with metal plates none Everywhere/ npc shop
Plate armor An iron breast plate and trousers none Everywhere/ npc shop
Chain mail A vest made of linked chain none Everywhere/ npc shop
Scale mail Metal scales sewn onto a fabric backing in flexible rows. none Everywhere/ npc shop
Saquin scales Icy blue scales of a sanquin Prot from ice From saquins
Wolf fur Fur of a wolf none From wolves
Bear fur Silky smooth fur of a large bear none From bears
Seldri armor Light mail fashioned of finely interwoven steel links. none From seldri's
Winter wolf fur A heavy fur mantle Prot from blast as well as ice From winter wolf
Duke plate A suit of fieldplate +5 hp From duke